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Build vs. Buy: The best way to power your app’s growth engine

Lihi Lotker
April 17, 2024

he B2C app battlefield is ruthless. User desires shift faster than the tides, and yesterday’s brilliant app could be tomorrow’s relic. Survival isn’t about a good app – it demands a relentless growth engine. A machine that breathes data, understands your audience on a personal level, and fuels explosive, scalable growth.

But here’s the problem: building that engine in-house is a slow burn. Traditional development gobbles up time and resources, leaving you lagging as competitors evolve. That’s where strategic external software swoops in, like a pre-built, battle-tested growth engine ready to plug into your app.

These solutions aren’t some generic template. They provide the core muscles – segmentation, analytics, the works – already refined and optimized. Now, instead of reinventing the wheel, your team focuses on the heart of your success:  a killer user experience and smart acquisition strategies.

The Imperative for App Growth: Why It’s Do or Die

B2C apps aren’t a luxury; they’re a battleground for attention and revenue. Growth isn’t just a buzzword, it’s the lifeblood of your business. Let’s break down the three key pillars:

Increasing User Base:  Think of your user base like an army. The bigger it is, the more powerful your reach and the more data you gather. This data isn’t just numbers – it’s the roadmap to understanding your audience, refining your app, and targeting future ideal customers.

Maximizing User Engagement: A disengaged user is like a ghost town. Engagement – the frequency and depth of interaction – is the fuel. Highly engaged users are loyal fans. They spend more, return often, and become your greatest advocates. Engagement is the key to a thriving, self-sustaining community around your app.

Optimizing Revenue Opportunities: Engagement is amazing, but it’s gotta pay the bills! Whether you rely on ads, in-app purchases, or a premium subscription model, your app needs a smart monetization strategy. Growth without efficient revenue conversion is like winning a race with no prize.

Key Metrics: Your App’s Growth Compass

A million metrics can overwhelm. Focus on these three to gauge your growth trajectory:


Are users sticking around, or leaking out? High retention means your app delivers value, fosters loyalty, and builds a foundation for further growth. Track retention over different periods to spot trouble areas or the impact of new features.


How much and how actively do users interact?  More time spent in your app, more features explored, that’s the fertile ground where retention and conversions take root.


Users to customers. Are your monetization strategies hitting the mark? A weak conversion rate could mean anything from poor in-app offers to a confusing purchasing experience.

Now, here’s the thing: nurturing these growth metrics requires a sophisticated growth engine – a system constantly analyzing user data, segmenting audiences, and personalizing experiences. Building this engine entirely in-house presents a unique set of challenges.

The Challenges of Building In-House

Building an in-house solution promises customization and control. This sounds ideal, especially for companies with very specific needs. However, this path hides serious pitfalls. It can severely restrict your ability to grow and adapt in the rapidly evolving app marketplace:

Resource Intensity

Developing a bespoke solution demands a massive investment – of money, time, and precious talent. This goes into all phases: initial requirements, design, coding, testing, and never-ending maintenance.

  • Initial Development: Resources are diverted from your core strengths. Projects often balloon far beyond their initial budget.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Custom systems need constant updates, patching, and tweaking. This permanently drains your IT team’s time.
  • Opportunity Cost: Is this where those brilliant developers should be?  Growth suffers when they’re not innovating your app or building deeper customer relationships.

Long Development Cycles

In the cutthroat app market, time is your most valuable resource. Here’s how custom development can steal it:

  • Speed to Market: Every day your app isn’t live is lost revenue and a competitor’s gain. Complex custom projects can crawl along for months, even years, before launch.
  • Market Evolution: The app world moves at warp speed. What seemed cutting-edge at the start of development might be old news by launch day.
  • Feedback Loop Delays: The best way to refine your app is with real user data.  Long development cycles mean a slow trickle of feedback, leaving you blind to critical improvements until it might be too late.

Scalability and Flexibility Issues

Custom solutions seem perfectly tailored – at first. But apps, like the market itself, need to grow and change to thrive. This is where in-house systems can hit a wall:

  • Scaling Challenges: A surge of new users should be a good thing, right? Not if your in-house system can’t handle the load.  Rebuilding to scale can be as costly as the initial development.
  • Rigidity: What if you want to add a hot new feature, or integrate with a must-have platform? Custom systems are notoriously resistant, often requiring complex overhauls.
  • Integration Complexities: The tech world won’t wait for you. Integrating new tech into a rigid backend can be a nightmare of costly workarounds and delays.

The Bottom Line: The Hidden Cost of Control

Building an in-house growth engine might appear to offer complete control. But the reality is, it can become a gilded cage – one that consumes your resources, slows your innovation, and leaves you vulnerable in a rapidly changing market. Every hour spent wrestling with custom code is an hour your competitors are sprinting ahead.

External growth solutions offer a powerful alternative. They provide pre-built, rigorously tested functionalities like user segmentation and data analysis. This frees up your team to focus on what truly matters: crafting a winning user experience and developing strategic acquisition campaigns.

Advantages of Buying an External Solution

Choosing an external solution is a smart move to outpace the competition and thrive in the fast-paced app market. These solutions give you several critical advantages:

Speed of Deployment

External platforms aren’t just software – they’re a shortcut to results. They’re optimized for quick integration and immediate impact, giving you a strategic edge:

  • Hit the Ground Running: Don’t lose months to development and testing.  External solutions are ready to deploy, letting you start seeing the impact on your growth metrics right away.
  • Win the Race to Market: Launching quickly can be the difference between making a splash and a ripple. Outmaneuver competitors and capture early market share.
  • Agility is Your Superpower: The app landscape shifts rapidly. Quick deployment means you can adapt strategies, seize opportunities, and react to user feedback before your competitors even adjust course.


External solutions mean smarter spending, especially for startups and growing companies. They provide cost advantages at every stage:

  • Ditch the Sticker Shock: Avoid massive upfront development costs. External platforms let you get started with a lower initial investment.
  • Budget with Confidence: Predictable subscriptions mean no surprise bills or runaway development expenses. Plan your finances with greater accuracy.
  • Scalability Made Simple: Your user base grows, your solution grows. External platforms offer affordable scaling options, removing the financial headaches of rapid growth.

Continuous Innovation

  • Crowd-Sourced Insights & Rapid Adaptations: Vendors gain insight from a wide range of companies, spotting patterns and trends faster than you could alone. This knowledge is baked into their constantly evolving platforms.
  • Updates, Not Overhauls: New features, integrations, and trend adaptations roll out regularly. Some companies even use AI for even greater precision and advanced capabilities. Your platform keeps getting better with no added development on your side.
  • Iterate with Confidence: External platforms let you move at the speed of your ideas. Test new strategies, analyze results, and optimize on the fly.  Stop waiting for development cycles and start driving growth, faster.
  • Future-Proof Your Growth: The tech world won’t wait. By partnering with an external provider, you’re future-proofing your app – their focus on innovation ensures you’ll never be left behind.

Your Growth Team, Multiplied

External solutions don’t just give you software, they give you a dedicated support network. This helps you get more out of the platform and lessens the burden on your internal team:

  • Expert Help, On Demand: Need to troubleshoot or unlock a feature’s full potential? Vendors have experts ready to help, ensuring issues are resolved quickly and you’re not wasting time.
  • Get Up to Speed, Fast: Forget waiting weeks or months to implement an idea, only to find it doesn’t work.  External platforms let you move from hypothesis to testing to optimization within days.
  • The Power of Community: Tap into user communities and partner networks. Share experiences, learn from others, and tap into industry knowledge that would be difficult to build on your own.

The Result: Your team, amplified.  With expert support handling the technical side of growth, they can focus on what makes your app truly shine: its unique value and the needs of your users.  This strategic approach streamlines your operations and gives you the agility to navigate the ever-changing app market. External solutions offer a clear advantage – speed, flexibility, and continuous innovation – empowering you to build an exceptional app and a loyal user base.

Example: The Limitations of a Rigid In-House Growth Engine

Consider a productivity app that built its user engagement notifications in-house.  While this initially offered some customization, it lacked the flexibility needed for advanced, segmented campaigns.  Adding new notification types (like onboarding sequences) or triggering messages based on user behavior proved difficult and time-consuming. The rigid system also made it impossible to integrate with other platforms the app adopted later, thus limiting options to personalize notifications and optimize user experience.  This lack of adaptability hindered the app’s growth potential.

After implementing an external growth platform, the team gained robust user segmentation tools, the ability to launch new engagement campaigns quickly, and easy integration with other essential platforms.  This newfound agility allowed them to experiment with different notification strategies, analyze results, and optimize their approach within weeks.  As a result, they saw a significant improvement in their retention metrics.

The Smart Move for App Growth: Why External Solutions Win

The B2C app landscape is a battlefield.  Keeping up requires more than just a great product. You need a relentless growth engine – one that understands your users, fuels engagement, and drives revenue. But building this engine in-house is slow and costly, leaving you vulnerable to agile competitors.

External growth solutions are the key to unlocking explosive growth. They provide pre-built, battle-tested tools for segmentation, analytics, and personalization. This frees your team to focus on what matters: building an exceptional app experience.

Benefits of external solutions include:

  • Speed to Market: Outpace the competition and capitalize on trends.
  • Cost-Efficient Growth: Scale your solution affordably as your user base grows.
  • Innovation at Your Fingertips: Tap into insights from the wider market and ride the wave of the latest tech trends.
  • Empower Your Team: Access expert support and communities to amplify your team.

The Choice is Clear: External solutions offer a faster, smarter, and more adaptable path to build a thriving B2C app business.


Is your app struggling with user engagement or retention? Building a growth engine in-house can be a resource drain. External solutions offer pre-built functionalities for segmentation, user behavior analysis, and personalization.  Focus on your app’s core strengths and let us handle the growth engine.

Contact us today to get started.

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